SUNDAY SERVICE: 8:00 am. (Includes Holy Communion).
On-line services continue to be live-streamed and saved on Sunday mornings at 8:00 on St. John's Facebook page, HERE, and at 10:30 on St. Andrew's Facebook page, HERE.
Nestled in the four-corner town of Emigrant, Montana, a stone’s throw from the Yellowstone River and 35 miles north of Yellowstone National Park, is Saint John’s Episcopal Church. The church was built in 1898 by hardworking people who shared a vision of bringing God and community together in the aptly named Paradise Valley. That vision’s legacy continues to this day.
As Episcopalians, we find God comes to us through the words of the Scriptures, through the sacraments and traditions of the church, and through the activity of our human reason and experience. Most importantly, perhaps, we find God in one another and our parish community.
Everyone is welcome to join us for worship each Sunday morning at 8:00 AM, followed by a full, hot breakfast. Please check our Facebook page for photos of parish life or information on special services or events.
If you are in Livingston, please visit our sister parish, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church. Click HERE to visit their website. The Rev. Kristin Orr serves both parishes.